Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Your Aquarian has the tendency to become the archetypal "iceman" of the zodiac. Aquarian love can become icy, cold detachment and total isolation. With the "Iceman" forever escaping into the safety of her own high ivory tower. The detachment of your Aquarian lover then becomes a safe tower where no one can ever again touch or hurt the "iceman". Aquarians are more self sufficient than any other signs and don't mind being alone all day, although they enjoy company and like their friends to be intelligent. Love for an Aquarian is much more a state of mind than one of the heart. Often when they love someone when they realise they can trust and rely on them as a mate although they will find it difficult to express themselves. If your Aquarian is emotional, the home will be important and since they stress themselves to such extent they will become weak and may need lots of rest and loads of space. The best way to keep Aquarians relaxed is by making sure they have something to do. One thing you must know is that if an Aquarian decides to do something, nothing can come in her way. Sooner or later she will have what she desires. Your Aquarius is friendly and fascinating. She has in depth knowledge about various subjects and you can converse with her for hours without getting bored. Aquarians are capable of giving a lot of love that can be amazing. They have a broad outlook on life and you can be relaxed in their presence. To keep an Aquarius lover interested, you must possess that mysterious and intriguing quality. Once hooked, they will always be very faithful to you.

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