Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Time Apart

The time apart from your twin flame helps you to heal all the things inside you which you have previously been wounded by. The whole cycle of connecting and disconnecting then reconnecting again with deeper intensity serves to make you both realise that you ARE LOVEABLE and ALSO LOVING for you have come back together again, even if the circumstances were not good when you parted. For example, if one of the twin flames runs because he/she feels inadequate within themselves, slowly but surely, the repeated reconnection will open them up to realising that they ARE worthy because the love still remains and grows. It can be a slow progress, but it is progress nonetheless.

Why do twin flames who HAVE RECOGNISED THE CONNECTION still resist it? A huge factor is the INTENSITY of it all. The constancy of thinking of your twin flame, ALL THE TIME, re-living times when you saw them over and over and over, loving them all the time with GREATLY INCREASING POWER, fantasising about them, being distracted by thinking of them to the point that you don't get other things done or cannot concentrate on anything else, worrying that you might go down "the wrong path" (which isn't possible, because you planned what would happen in this incarnation before birth), feeling a huge yearning to exit your body and enter theirs, craving physical contact, talking to them constantly in your mind, feeling frustrated at times when you cannot seem to ease the yearnings for your twin flame, wondering if you are doing enough or the right things to help manifest your union, feeling frustrated and sometimes hurt when things don't go to plan or when you feel tested by things and have to face another difficulty that you need to overcome, all of this being secretly locked inside of your being - IT IS SO INTENSE that although you wouldn't want to change it for the world (most people), it can get exhausting at times and in resisting, you are attempting (usually in vain) to get some needed rest from it all.
Sometimes when twin flames block you out it is because they just need to take a temporary break from it (and get back to connecting to just themselves to feel balanced again) until they feel replenished and have regained their strength to indulge in the connection again (although it is never a conscious choice). It is to find balance between self and other (twin flame) or yin/yang to gain Bi-gender balance (as they feel both male and female sides through the opposite gender type twin flame), because it often feels like you are LOSING YOURSELF in the connection which is scary at first, because in a sense you are losing yourself as you know it because you are joining with your twin flame to become something new.

Try to be strong, and trust that, if it is meant to be, the universe will bring you back together.

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