Tuesday, November 6, 2012

As 2013 begins, Aquarius, something new begins to emerge in your life – peace. You’ve had quite a few years of being confused as to what to do about the chaos you’ve experienced, but now is the time when it all begin to make sense. It’s time to admit that you have had some times when you thought things were never going to get better, and now is the time when things begin to shift to the positive.
What you need to do right now is to appreciate the lessons you’ve learned along the way. At times, you’ve been less than receptive to the ways in which you have grown because of the hard times. This is natural, but now that your life is going in a better direction, you can begin to see how you needed to learn lessons in the way you learned them.
Stop for a moment and think about what you have learned about yourself. You have learned just how strong you are. You have learned who your true friends are. Even though you might not be completely happy with how things have turned out, realize that you now have knowledge that will made bad days a little more bearable. Stop for a moment and thank the universe for the opportunity to grow. You have grown more than you realize.
As 2013 begins, realize that you have changed, Aquarius. You might not know it yet, but others have noticed. They have seen you grow because of your challenges and they have questioned whether they could have made it through as gracefully as you have. It’s a gift to be pushed sometimes.
Though you are not going to live a life that is free from worry or from pain (no one does), you are uniquely qualified to deal with the pressures of life. You have the ability to see things as being mutable and changeable. And you know that even the hardest times can have a bright result. Now, you just have to believe it.

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