Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Commiting to a marriage is a lifelong commitment. A life long journey. When two people give their hearts to each other and profess their vows, they are commiting to share their life. An selfless love. Be it a huge wedding celebration or an intimate promise to each each other, marriage carries the same sacrifice of selflessness. Somehow, somewhere along this journey some couples no longer believe in their marriage or in each other. Many a times, even the most perfect couple will think to themselves "I cant do this anymore" and imagine fleeing into a secret world where the sun shines forever, where there is perpetual peace, abundant happiness, no suffering or worry. Well, this world does not exist here on earth. But yes, there is a place like this. In heaven, our real home.

Many couples decide to go their own ways when they think selfishly "what about my happiness?", "what about my needs?". Being together with your other half becomes a burden. But there will always be one party that loves more than the other. If there is a mutual agreement between the two that it is indeed better for them to part, then going separate ways is a relief. But as long as one party still closes their eyes and can only see the other, think of the other all the time, wishes the other was around with them, replays every memory together, hurts in silence; separation is not a relief but a death wish.

Ask the Lord to help you mend your broken heart. Seek guidance in the silence of the Lord. He will give you the signs you need. And give you the strength you need. Let Him carry you.

- philoism

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